
Mega Goal (1) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs-2片

Mega Goal (1) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs-2片2016新書推薦給你,讓你充實一整年~~~~館長推薦,提供文學,人文,電子書,健康,休閒,親子,商業,學習,雜誌,文具用品,影音DVD...等,讓您輕鬆挑選>

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Mega Goal is a dynamic American English series for international communication designed for teenagers and young adults that takes students from absolute beginners to high-intermediate level. The Intro level and Books 1-6 integrate the four skills, present the grammar in context, and help students develop natural conversation. With eye-catching art and high-interest topics, Mega Goal is easy and enjoyable to teach and to learn from.


* Unit openers, enhanced by attractive and contemporary illustrations, help students make visual connections and retain the new language.

* Units are thematic and contain high-interest topics that relate to students' age and interests.

* A consistent unit format makes navigation clear and predictable.

* The Grammar section offers succinct explanations, followed by activities that reinforce the grammar points presented.

* Interactive Conversations allow students to choose or make up their own endings.

* Vocabulary development occurs throughout and everyday expressions are explained in the Real Talk feature.

* Sections on Pronunciation, Listening, and Writing are included in each unit.

* Readings and Projects at the end of each unit allow students to experience real world situations.

* Commercial-quality songs enable students to expand their language in a pleasant way.

* Learning strategies and critical thinking skills prepare students for success.

* Humor and cross-cultural information and values are present throughout the series.


  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2010/05/19
  • 語言:英文

Mega Goal (1) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs-2片



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